When the timeline calls for a submission from the applicant organization, the submission must be received in the Foundation office by 5 p.m. on the indicated date.

Submissions should be made by email. Supporting documents such as brochures and pamphlets which cannot be easily emailed may be mailed or delivered in person.

If a Letter of Intent or Grant Proposal is submitted early, it will be reviewed for completeness and clarity. If this review reveals any problems, the applicant organization will be contacted to revise the proposal.

Incomplete submissions received at or near the deadline will not be considered.

The applicant organization should provide one electronic copy of all submissions in Adobe Acrobat PDF format to the Foundation.
To facilitate paperless online viewing and posting of the submission by Grant Committee and Board members, documents must conform to the following requirements:

  • Submissions must be formatted for letter size paper (8 ½ by 11 inches).
  • Submissions must include pages that are numbered.
  • Submission should use 12-point or larger type and must not use anything smaller than 10-point type.
  • Submissions should use margins of one inch or greater and must not use margins of less than one-half inch.

Submissions that do not conform to these requirements will be returned to the applicant organization. Failure to follow these requirements is not grounds for extending the deadline for submission.